Monday, August 2, 2010

Monday, Aug. 2 - A Whole New Day

Today has been a very successful day...I just hope I'm not speaking too soon.

We came in this morning to Cameron getting his feeding by tube. We have been very frustrated lately that they won't even let Cameron try to feed from the bottle every time before using the feeding tube. We talked to the social worker and nurse this morning and they agreed with us, that he should get a chance. We also made a quick call to my mom at the doctors office in Manhattan to see if what they doctor was wanting him to do was too high of an expectation. After hearing back from my mother, the doctor in Manhattan said that what he was doing was fine and that he didn't need to eat as much as they were expecting him to. We went back to the NICU and told the nurse and doctor this. We were surprised when we came back from lunch to have the doctor come to us and lower his expectations for eating! YEAH! Give the kid a break! Maybe he's just not a huge eater right now.

So anyway, we've had 2 successful bottle feedings in a row and will try for 3 in a row at 5:30pm California time. I am able to get him to take the full bottle and stay awake now for his feedings, so we've made HUGE gains today. The nurses told us that one of these days he was just going to get the hang of it, and today seems to be that day! We're really hoping that they will take the feeding tube out tonight and just let him do bottle feedings through the night and get out of here tomorrow, but we'll see what happens.

We were also happy to hear that the attorney is overnighting the paperwork to LA and Topeka tonight so they have everything they need to let us come home, except for the discharge papers from the hospital. This means that when we are discharged, hopefully it will be a very quick process to get us home, since the state offices will have all the paperwork they need already. At this point, we plan to start home next Monday, if not a bit sooner, but this all depends on discharge from the hospital and the adoption paperwork. You will all know when we are headed home!

Thanks again for all the well wishes for our little Cameron! He's doing great and even gaining weight! And by the way for all of you in Manhattan...the weather here is beautiful! Today is the hottest it's been and it's only 83 degrees! :)

Hope to see you all back in Manhattan soon!

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