Saturday, August 14, 2010

Power Outage with an Infant

Well, the storm that hit Manhattan yesterday knocked our power out within about 5 minutes, and we're still without power almost 16 hours later. When the sirens went off yesterday afternoon, Jeff and Cooper were not home. They had gone to rent a movie because we were going to stay in and have a movie night. I ran upstairs to get Cameron who was sleeping soundly, then ran back downstairs and grabbed the phone on the way. I called Jeff to see where he was, and he was driving up Browning and told me to have the door unlocked. They drove in and Cooper came running into the house wondering what was going on. We stayed in the basement and listened to the radio to see what was happening outside. Right as we were turning on the TV to see about the news, the power went out. Cooper was really bummed at first, but then we made it exciting and got out the flashlights and candles. We played with the light bright and made it as fun as we could.

About an hour later, it wasn't so much fun any more, so we headed over to Jeff's dad's house, since they always have power. We had dinner there and kept checking to see if we had our power back yet. Since we didn't, we ended up spending the night at my parents house. We thought for sure we'd have power this morning, so Jeff went into town to check. NOPE! Nothing yet. We're still waiting for our answering machine to pick up when we call, so that we know we have power.

So...there are about 1,600 people without power in Riley County, and we are one of those people. It always seems that our neighborhood is last to get power. So frustrating!

Cameron has weathered the storm very well, sleeping through most of it. He's doing great and continues to grow and get bigger. He had his check up with the doctor yesterday and he has grow an inch and gained 4 ounces! We go back August 30th and the doctor wants him to be around 8 pounds at that time. The doctor says he's very healthy, he just needs to gain some weight! He's sleeping well at night, so Jeff and I are getting our rest. He's a great baby and we couldn't be happier! Cooper has been a great help and is a wonderful big brother (as you can see in the picture). He's very possessive of his baby brother and let's people know that it's his baby. He likes to hold him, but only when he wants to. You can interrupt his time to help with the baby, but if he wants to do it, he does a great job.

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